Tag: Lifestyle

San Diego: The Most Disappointing & The Best

A Moment Alone During one of our first weekends, Sam went backpacking with his friend that we were visiting.  I took the chance to explore the city - Elaina style.  I went shopping.  There were so many boutiques and thrift shops in North Park, which is the district our Airbnb was in.  I stumbled upon a parking lot that was filled with vendors, as if...

San Diego: The Beautiful Sunset Without A Crowd

San Diego Sunsets On so many blogs they will tell you to go to Sunset Cliffs to see the sunset over the Pacific Ocean near San Diego.  To me, it was overcrowded and stressful.  There are plenty of other beaches and locations to watch the sunset.  If you go to a less crowded beach, the experience can be calm and romantic.  I am not sure...

A New Yorker’s Love Letter to NYC

A New Yorker's perspective of traveling and missing the peculiarities of the best city in the world. This post can be surprising for an outsider.

Time to Rebrand and Thrive

This blog post is about finding yourself and not being afraid to stay 100% true to who you are. It has taken some time, but finally, she is ready to Rebrand.

Strong Girl In Action

Actually, let’s start calling ourselves women in action. You are doing an amazing job. Take a deep breath and a moment to think about all you have done today.

A Powerful Feeling: Women, Time to Take It Back

Women, take back feeling powerful when you are not wearing makeup. Take back radiating confidence on days where you did not spend any time getting ready.

Unorthodox Post: Weird Raw Notes About NYC

An unedited post from my raw notes while walking around New York City. A challenge to take your random thoughts and make something from them.

Brand Opportunities: 13 Should Not Define Me

We often hear about rebranding. At what point in our lives do we start being branded. There should be an age limit that we start our brand at.

A Popular Opinion: Moving is Insanely Hard

Moving is hard. In the time leading up to the move, I wanted to be enjoying my last days in my home. Instead I was stressed and overwhelmed.

Clear Cut, Simple, You See Black and White

The phrase black and white can have many meanings. The English language is amazing and highly confusing that this could be the case.

Predictions: Emerging Changes for Future

During the revolution, they could not understand the way it would impact the future. I have a few predictions on how the pandemic will alter society.

Meet Elaina Pearl – A Strange Way to Introduce Yourself

Elaina Pearl is anything, but ordinary and wanted her "About Me" page to reflect it. It outlines things that I am, I have, I will, I need, I wish, and I live.

New Perspective: Coats, Exteriors, & the Workforce

What do coats, exteriors, and the workforce have in common? They are all places to hide. All places where you cannot be yourself.

Seven Deadly Sins: Temptations Seen Differently

Dual perspectives on the seven deadly sins with two challenges per sin. Sins are referred to as temptations because there are benefits as well.